Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Time is not measurable

Amazing isn't it? Form 6 really feels so different than the other forms. Through sweat and blood we all suffered through staying awake to listen and play in class to annoy the teacher, and suddenly we reached form 3, sadly I was more or less a fool and wasted 2 years worth of time to hang with you guys. Ah man, so I only had one year where we all were really friends, with all the dramas counted still, it was one of my funnest years in SMI. You people were and still are awesome. ;D

Then the form 4 and form 5 years, not to say that I screwed it all up, but well, there's reasons why I wanted to cut ties with my form 4-5 casual classmate team we had formed, but I'll talk about that later if I feel like it. So form 3 easily wins over this. Now is Lowersix and so far, wow, I never knew I'll become such great friends with so many people. I'd never imagined it like I'd mentioned it a few times before already on the blog. I'm trying to be less of an introvert and open the book. I'd closed it up too tight for too long. Lol, come to think of it, I wonder how things would had gone if I did get into the science stream in the very first place in Form 4, perhaps I would had made great friends with a few people. Who's to say that won't be possible anyways?

Time's not measurable at all, argh. In 3 years time, I wasted two years being a super stuck up emo, then one year as an emo, but I'd made great friends. Then 2 years being an introvert tightly closed book. And then just by this year, I'd met people who call me their brother and who I feel comfortable sharing and giving back such feelings as well(It'd been a long while since Form 3, the number's doubled. Aha.) I'm glad I'd gotten to know you guys, now I have brothers and sisters. ;D

Okay, so there are other factors that determines how things can go. But my point's still there isn't it? XD. So yeah, I guess this is just another one of my self reflecting diary entries. That's what a diary is for anyways, and it also seems that I tend to reflect upon things when it rains. Oh yeah, my ex was hanging around with who I was hanging around with, the Phang and co. today and I totally did the "I'm ignoring your existence" thing while still chatting with everyone. Aweeeessooommmee~

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