Monday, July 5, 2010

A new week, a new stude- oh wait.

Well some of us thought that our class would have some new people coming in today, but it ended with nobody coming into our class, since our's are basically "full." Lol. I can't say if I'm happy or sad about that :( But the good news is, it seems that every who were going emo for the past weeks had seem to returned to normal, but now another wave seems to coming I think? One of my classmate's who wasn't affected last week seems sorta down today for some odd reasons. It's also Yoke Mei's birthday today, lol. We didn't do any staying back for eating or anything, but just eat muffins at the canteen during recess, it didn't really hit me till after school just while hitching another ride home on Sze Ling's car now that I thought "oh, why didn't we have a stay back and eat or something? It's her birthday after all." . I was really out of synch with Vivian and Tan when we were wishing Yoke Mei happy birthday when I just stood there and smiled while the others were clapping and singing. I'd never really gotten to like singing the song "Happy Birthday." I didn't event say Happy Birthday ><

Sze Ling gave me an interrogation-ish section during the ride home too. :( Anyways, all things aside, I'm glad that what I imagined might had happened didn't happened. And oww, duty time tomorrow as photographers for the SMI Open Day and my partner's Mun Mun =D. Lol, it seems I unintentionally ditched Neoh because I was stationed with her. >_<" Calvyn!! When can you confirm are you gonna go watch Toy Story with us this saturday?!

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