Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood review

64 episode in total. 13 more episodes than the first FMA anime. What can I say? None of the animes really captured the feel of the manga completely. I really love the songs it had offered, especially since I actually sing along with those songs if you know what I mean. Anyways, the animation on FMAB is top notch I'd gotta say. Nothing much beats it so far. It's a big improvement from the first FMA anime. The lack of bold art lines really makes it look good. Some of the scenes from the manga were translated pretty well into the anime.

But here's where the trouble comes in about it, the manga had a lot of moments where the super-deformed face and funny moments happened. In FMAB, many of the funny moments felt super forced and were interrupting some serious situations. I really hated that. Also, sometimes the super deformed faces just seems out of place when used, especially compared to the artwork in FMAB. FMAB isn't what I'll call exactly a cartoony-style show artwork wise. Some of the important events were either skipped or the anime failed to deliver the same amount of importance and impact to the audiences. I honestly think that they shouldn't had rushed the starting point of the show since both the Chimera Girl and Hughes didn't left much of an impact on the anime as compared to the manga and the first FMA anime. The last stand against Father was kinda disappointing as well. Especially when Edward delivered that kick that forced Father to block it with his own hands. There wasn't any impact to that scene at all honestly. The anime kinda moves at a very fast-pace that doesn't leave you much time to breath too. Guess they wanted to reduce the numbers of episodes. But man, it won't had hurt to push it up a few episodes if it means we get breath a bit. The fight scenes are definitely handled very well though.

But oh well, at least the bgms can get you into the mood. The opening and ending songs were all awesome. All of them. The videos are also pretty nice, though I'm a bit surprised that the last OP, Rain by SIDAgain!? Where's my Larc En Ciels!?)didn't had any fighting in it. It's a FMA tradition to have fight scenes in OPs and or EDs!! The ending songs as well as the videos are all about slideshows of pictures of Resembool, Edward, Winry, Alphonse and Hohenhiem. Most anyways. Shunkan Sentimental would be the only fast going song I think. One of the ED focused on WInry, it was a rap song but the ED are generally either bittersweet or sad-ish. The OP are more energetic and about struggling and not giving up.

I'm not entirely satisfied with the ending however. As in the same ending in FMA's manga. I mean, Mustang still doesn't get to be the Fuhrer. Everyone else seems to be having a happy ending. Edward's love confession to Winry was funny and stupid, and oh wow, he sure is a hell lot taller than Winry. Greed's death was surprisnigly more depressing than in the manga. All in all, I guess it's an happy ending. I'll give Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood a 9.5/10.

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