Friday, January 7, 2011

Thus Ends a Week

Yup. There we go. A week has passed. Things are going well enough this year. Have no idea how things can go in the near future but oh well.

So yesterday, I was thinking of things while at the assembly ground(also known as the basketball court), then a person approached me(let's refer to this person as 'Smile') and said "Smile!!" I instantly raised an eyebrow, first wondering was Smile talking to me, then after a few seconds of delay I ended up saying "What?!" in a, cocky-ish voice, perhaps it's cause Smile's a friend of a person who I ended in a bad note with, let's call that person 'Unknown' shall we? I was pretty much thinking "An enemy of my enemy is my friend," that Smile's a friend of Unknown, thus she must be against me too. Sorted it out with Smile today. Seems like I was looking moody on the previous day. Oh well, can't blame her, I wasn't exactly not feeling moody after all that day. I'm still quite, nay, very surprised that Smile tried interacting with me though, especially since Smile knows the whole story that happened between me and Unknown through Unknown's side of the story and none from my part. Never expected Smile to talk to me, all Smile gave me were evil-ish grins whenever Smile looks at me last year for the rest of the lower six life after she found out about me and Unknown.

Other than that, I'm gotten pretty used to my classroom now, of course, there's still the funny feeling you get when you go "Ah yes, my class's not there anymore" but I don't feel awkward at all anyways.

A girl I know poked my stomach today and told me I had gotten fatter, while her friend stands next to her giggling. D:

This conclude today's blog entry.

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