Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Life Goes On!

Been listening to Bon Jovi a lot these few days. Livin' On A Prayer, It's My Life, and We Weren't Born to Follow.

I'm so labeling We Weren't Born to Follow as m theme song. :D

Getting overshadowed? Fuck it, steal back the fucking spotlight.
Getting ignore? Fuck it, ignore their existence and get on with your life. Don't waste your time on maggots.
Can't get along with a group of people? Fuck em. They don't belong in your life, it's not always you who is wrong.
Feeling a bit down in the dumps? Hit up a song, sing, play a game, go hang out with those who gives a damn about you.
If life gives you a reason to cry yourself to sleep, give it 10 fucking reasons why you should just smile back confidently.

Don't go and tell yourself you're fat, ugly and stupid.
A bigger tummy than others doesn't make you fat. I don't want to waste my time calling my other friends who are bigger sized as gargantuan elephants. That's just too long a title.
You're not ugly if no stranger is turned off by your face. Unless someone points at you and say "Oh my fucking god! That dude's face is repulsive!" Then you're not fucking ugly.
No one's born stupid. Everyone learns from mistakes and stupidity. A sage is not all that different from a fool perhaps.

Hypocrite me, wasn't I the one who told my closest friend that he should keep believing in people? Yet here I am, cursing and preferring to sit away from some people. I realized that, it seems that I too am getting reluctant to believe in people.

Tried to mix, tried to keep believing in people. Disappointment. Perhaps it's only natural for one to start feeling a bit, discouraged in trusting people just right after you get thrown out of a social ring?

It's not that I don't belong here, it's just all of em don't belong in MY life. Life goes on, do things differently from em, if I don't fit in then screw em, beat em, ignore them, fuck em. Life's too short and one can never pleases everyone. (props to my Statistic Studies teacher for actually having a story on that yesterday at class.)It's simply not worth it to care. For those of us who know how it feels to not laugh at the funniest joke you had ever heard, let's just live life happily and rock on.

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