Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sing Sing Sing!

So, I went to Ebox today with Jean and Jenny. The place seemed to give off the impression that it focuses on english/other language songs more than Kbox would, so yeah. Naturally I jumped to Ebox. Hmm, not sure what to think about it really. The hings are almost the same, I didn't pick any of the songs that I did sang in Kbox, but one or two that I'd seen are the same as the one I'd seen in Kbox, so I guess the difference isn't much. I'm still disappointed with karaoke here. :(

But it was fun. Public holiday, so it was RM20 over for each one of us. Darn. It's gentlemen's night tonight too. :( Darn Jenny for mentioning another friend's name. Now I feel a tiny bit of guilt for not inviting that friend too, for a reason though. D:

I think, I'm starting to forget one important oath I'd made last year. I shouldn't forget it, especially not now. No matter how the situation is for me at anywhere. It'll be a shame and a big disappointment to myself, my closest friend and everyone else to revert back to that now, after the steps taken to change things.

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