Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Year Shopping

A friend of mine once asked me on Christmas 2010. "You don't ever look at clothes when we're all out shopping or hanging out?"

I only shop for clothes on the beginning of the year unless it's something important like formal wear for functions or things like such. So I really don't enjoy window shopping on clothes.

Got a few nice shirts, jeans and some short casual pants. Since all my older short pants are completely worn out. The pockets are torn oh man, can't even wear them to go the pasar malam. How many years did I not buy any short pants I wonder? D:

I was originally going for em green wash jeans. But then some people told me that once you have them, after a while you'll start thinking that they don't look good. So I ended up settling with blue again. Maybe next time I'll buy a black jeans. Totally need a black one.

Dad came back from KL yesterday, got a few recommendations for 80's ballad music. Oh hell yes for having parents with good taste!! One song they told me to try listening to was Karma Chameleon. Surprisingly, I like the song now. I used to find it....a bit too silly and goofy for me to like it. Then again, when I first got exposed to the song it was a music video on some kid's channel with tomatos dancing...yeaah.

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