What a rough year it'd been. New people have I met. Amount those that I'd became enemies with. Those who'd bonded with. Humans, we're ugly creatures indeed. So many things had happened. To me, to some of my friends. I'd seen some people fall in love with each other, and then break up. All within just half a year. How fragile can love be eh? Sorta makes you wonder do you even feel like looking forward to dating the girl you're currently having a crush on anymore, or does it not? Would you rather be optimistic about it and say "We'll make it last, it's real love after all!" Yet, we'd only half a year for most of us to get to know each other. I honestly doubt that's enough for you to know a person enough to actually be in love with her. But oh well. Infatuations and crushes come like this anyways, no stopping it if it does happen. Yet, if you know what I'm talking about, then it'll probably be hard to actually try to stay optimistic all the time. Or perhaps one's just looking at it from too complicating an angle.
We humans, we always change through time. We change and progress every single year, looking back, we all probably have things to laugh about about ourselves, calling our own selves stupid for doing that. Then again, it's always for better or worse. I wonder which I'm changing to? Ah, it just seem so easy to be my past self.
How hard would it take for an instrument to fit into an already existing orchestra?
Friends, come and go in our life. Oh how you wish some would stay but they never did. How you wish your phone would ring every single day. But it doesn't for everyone. "Friends forever" "I love you forever!" Ah, such simple words, yet not many seem to see how heavy the weight of words like "forever" and "never" holds. It's nice, when you have a few buds and you always hang out together. What's sad is when you all drift apart. Either by force, by life, or by their own will. Fights, change of opinions towards each other, disability to communicate on the same page anymore. It's sad to see things go. But once you just stop being on the same pages anymore, it seems quite inevitable for you all to drift apart. Happens to people. Perhaps not to everyone. But I sure know a few.
It's ironic, for a man to say that he find that his collection of figurines and some plastic models kits could give him more comfort than people sometimes, although he has such a dislike for solitary life and people who chooses to lead a solitary life.
Nay! Nay to all these pessimistic talk!!
A rough year as it is. I'm somewhat...glad. Co-ed class, food, futsal, new friends, old friends who doesn't seem to be who I thought they'd be, new lessons, adapting, studying, change of opinions and ideas, believing, forgetting, losing, letting go, changing, moving on, fighting, hate, infatuation, understanding, disagreements and so on. Ah, quite a lot of things. What a roller coaster ride for me this year. Let's hope I'm not in for another downward slope, I can't go for another one yet so soon.
glad 2 hear this =)