Friday, December 24, 2010

Jingles Jingles

As usual, a blog entry on how I spent the day! And also! Some other random stuffs!!

On Christmas Eve~
I chose to spend the count down to Christmas!!
All alone!
Some dumbass said;
Nobody's gonna be alone on Christmas~
(or was it something like nobody's gonna be singing alone on christmas? Whatever)
But it's more~~~
Nobody's alone in being alone for Christmas~
But anyways~ Let's all be gay~
(Or we can just go fap to some blues, why the hell do they call it blues anyways?)
And sinnnng a song~
and a toast to a new year~

oh yeah, this was supposed to be about my day. Nevermind!

Anyone who's wondering; I wrote this with If You Were Gay in my head. HO HO HO HO!

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