Being yourself is one of the greatest joys in the world. Don’t shun away!
“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap.” - Ani Difranco quotes
More often then not, we shun away from the public, to hide our own flaws or even our own passionate love for a hobby. This happens both in the public adult world and in school. We may have different personalities, but at the end of the day the blood that we shed are always red in color. We should always embrace our differences and never shun away, because it is what makes you, you!
The first difference I would like to talk about would be for the LGBT group, LGBT means Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals. Who are we to tell others who to love and who to be, regardless of their gender. Who are we to tell people who are they supposed to be? I do not believe it is wrong for two males to get together or a person changing his or her sex if he or she feels that it is the best way to go on living. Not many would dare to let others know that they are homosexuals, bisexuals or transsexuals; it seems a bit easier in adult life especially if you become successful in a field; for example Dana International a transsexual who is a successful music artist. In school, such claims to be any of the four groups would grant you tickets to be bullied and ostracized. But we should all take into consideration that the LGBT does not harm anyone at all, they build their love life around the same type of people and there have never been any cases where any of the LGBT encouraged straight people to become like them. It may not be a social norm, but that does not render the LGBT wrong.
Next I would like to talk about stereotyping and genders. The social stereotype is that men have to be in love with sports, and women have to play with Barbie dolls. A person is not born with a gender that forces him or her to act in a certain way. A man should feel proud of himself even if he does not obsess over shiny Ferrari cars and a woman should be proud of herself even if she dresses like a man. I have seen feminine guys in school be made fun of, even bullied and ostracized. Perhaps it is out of our social norm that they act that way, but if you would try being in their shoes, their feminine personality was part of their social norm.
Discrimination of any kind is not good. In school especially, many form of discrimination takes place. Skin colors should not matter, we are all humans and we should all treat each other with respect and equality. It doesn’t matter that everyone believes in a different god, and some of us don’t even believe in the existence of god. We are all entitled to our opinions, and if someone choose to believe in a different god then so be it. Our religions should not hold us back in being equals. To love, respect and tolerate each other is to be united. There is a proverb from an unknown source that says; “The broad-minded see the truth in different religions; the narrow-minded see only the differences”
You should just be yourselves, in school or out in the adult world because it is part of who you are. To hide that part of you undermines the meaning of life. What is life without true happiness in what you do? Do not worry that you are different in terms of ideology, skin colors, religion or sexual orientations, we are all the same deep inside and part of what makes us humans is that we are different. It doesn’t matter if you get treated differently by others or even ostracized because at the end of the day you will find real happiness, acceptance, support and friends. Do not lead a life of lies!
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