Sunday, June 19, 2011

Face Beneath The Mask

How ironic it is for an artist to be reluctant to show his emotion and feelings?

How does such an artist put his feelings and heart into his work in this case? How can he touch the hearts of others? He does not know since when did the little artist inside him died. But, this man want to open his eyes again, he want to get back into things. He want to be drawing, photo taking, painting, doing everything because he loves it, because it's fun, because it's what he does best and because it's part of his life. Not an obsession to win and improve so he can be above others, not an obsession so deep that it consumed this man. No, no, not anymore. Not anymore.

This man has been taking steps, making decisions, bad or good, for better or worse. He's trying to change, he fell again, more than once during the walk on his path to change which is still very far from over. But it's okay, as long as this man does not give up, does not take a U-turn. They say don't look back, but he had read something meaningful not too long ago;

"Look back. Look back to see how much you have improved and how far you have gotten and not look back because you can't forget."

He wholeheartedly agreed.

This man should take off the mask, pieces by pieces no matter how complicating the process is. It must be done, and much better if it could be done at a faster pace, yet not rushed.

Wounds can heal, scars can heal but they leave a mark behind. But it's alright. A scar helps you remember what had happened, and make sure that you never do it again.

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