Saturday, June 25, 2011

My School

I'd spent so many years here in my school, and let me say before hand that I too used to hate my own school. But don't you find it pointless that you hate it? Why do you not love it? Why do you not support the school that you will be studying in? I'll admit too, it took me a long time to start liking my school, at one point some of us cheered at the thought of the school getting burned down and et cetera.

Also, please take note that I'm saying all this in general and I do not mean to offend anyone.

But you know what? As much as we hated it, we came to miss it a year past our graduations. The corridors that we walked, the classrooms that we spent almost half of our lives in. We saw bad teachers, we saw good teachers, we saw others walk away from our lives, we saw that...

...some stayed.

Now some of us may not have stayed in this school as long as the others may have. But all I see is a stable and constant hate for the school and constant support of your previous school. It's understandable to love your old school much more than a school that you will spend 1 and a half year in, but I do not understand why must one hate it so much. It's different, sure. Probably very different from your previous schools, and I myself would probably have problems adapting to a new school. But that doesn't give us a reason to hate it. Perhaps it's the co-ed system? First time being in a non-single sex class? Do you consider the males or the females in the school to be a hindrance in daily life?

Well, excuse my "flowery" language here but; go suck a dick bitch and sons of bitches.

Don't give me the sexism, you're just biting one apple, realizing that it has half a worm left in it and proceed to burning down every single apple tree that ever existed.

Some of the people, or maybe even more than "some" might make it a hell for you to study in. Perhaps the teachers even. Maybe you don't fit in, maybe you hate everyone, maybe everyone hates you, but that's not the case. We can love our country without blindly worshiping our country's leaders. The school itself is not to be blamed for the bad seeds that you have encountered. I honestly doubt the fact that everyone in the school in your batch will be jerks. It's too sad to see someone completely alone, always bullied and ostracized and if you really don't fit in at all, then I do apologize. I understand fully how much that feels like, how much that hurts. Thus why I make it a point that I don't ostracize someone unless he or she really really deserves it. I believe that it is fully our own faults that we are unable to mix with each other. You, me, even the principle and the teachers are to blame. Each of us are to be blamed. If only each of us had held on stronger, longer, perhaps this year would had been whole different experience for us? Who's to know now?

But long story short, my main point is that, we are all where we are now, and there's no point in hating it. We chose to be here, and we chose to stay here after half a year has passed. We chose to take such a path and let us just cherish what is in front of us, love what is there to love instead of looking at the list of reasons to hate it. Carrying so much hate won't do your soul any good. I'd been there, and I doubt I'm had completely put everything down, but it doesn't hurt to try your best.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Face Beneath The Mask

How ironic it is for an artist to be reluctant to show his emotion and feelings?

How does such an artist put his feelings and heart into his work in this case? How can he touch the hearts of others? He does not know since when did the little artist inside him died. But, this man want to open his eyes again, he want to get back into things. He want to be drawing, photo taking, painting, doing everything because he loves it, because it's fun, because it's what he does best and because it's part of his life. Not an obsession to win and improve so he can be above others, not an obsession so deep that it consumed this man. No, no, not anymore. Not anymore.

This man has been taking steps, making decisions, bad or good, for better or worse. He's trying to change, he fell again, more than once during the walk on his path to change which is still very far from over. But it's okay, as long as this man does not give up, does not take a U-turn. They say don't look back, but he had read something meaningful not too long ago;

"Look back. Look back to see how much you have improved and how far you have gotten and not look back because you can't forget."

He wholeheartedly agreed.

This man should take off the mask, pieces by pieces no matter how complicating the process is. It must be done, and much better if it could be done at a faster pace, yet not rushed.

Wounds can heal, scars can heal but they leave a mark behind. But it's alright. A scar helps you remember what had happened, and make sure that you never do it again.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hypocrites We Are

Typical Malaysians, angry feminists, douches(which I used to be and still sorta am one), no-brainers, dirty politicians.

People needs to be less hypocritical. Stop saying things if you yourselves will not take any sort of action to support it. Unless in the case that just voicing out will help the situation, even by a tiny bit, then by all means please go for it!!

We typical Malaysians, we're all talks and all bullshit inside, no wonder I sneeze everyday, I'm allergic to bullshit, and I guess it's due to myself sometimes too. All the attitude of talking big and then when action is about to start rolling, we would say "what's the point of it? No use one laaahhh" with the typical Malaysian accent. God that pisses me off. At the very least if you can't do anything, then support it by voicing out. If you never do anything, you will never go far, and the country even with lots of luck will never develop. We have ourselves to blame.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A Year Since

We all came into form 6, a year ago from this date, expecting something. Be it that they were expecting having amazing fun, being in a co-ed school environment, being the top scorer, cutting the amount of money that needs to be spent on universities and some believed that it will also be a new beginning for them towards a new chapter of their life. Perhaps some of us were disappointed, many or little I do not know.

As for me, I'd made both friends and enemies. For better or worse. Today school has reopened, and everyone went through the first day of school as usual. Nothing more, cept for the results of MUET that was released today at 12 midnight. Quite a lot of us were not pleased with our results, some were devastated, some, cheered and jumped around in joy and excitement. And so the day passed by just like that.

Ahoy Me Hearties!

So the holidays breezed through just like that. Among the highlights of the holidays were me uploading 14 pages of my comic in less than 2 week time, one hell of a personal record!! AND MISSING Pirates of the Caribbean 4 in the cinema, but oh well, I never watched 1,2 and 3 in the cinema anyways. So no biggie. I watched Avatar just now, the movie wasn't bad but I don't have time now to comment on it or write up a review. Perhaps another time

Aye, gonna be hard to start off everyday with a smile, with so many krakens around sinking ships wherever they may go. Land lubbers beware lest you want to walk the plank or have your ship sunk. Hell's reopening tomorrow after all. And this Hell I'm talking about ain't no Hell's Kitchen, this is another Hell, a much more agonizing hell. At least that's how I see it. Devils about every where, two faced, masked beasts. They will trick you and kill you if you are not careful. Gotta brace yourself 24/7. Do not be tempted, do not be engulfed in rage and act in anger. Beware the signs, play hard, study smart and hard. That's one way to get out of this hell hole. Survivor is not guaranteed once you enter the gates.

Kyle signing off.


But it is always worth it to go to this hell hole. The place I spent much of my life here, almost half my life was spend here, if not more. Passed my birthday at this hell once, and even though we all call it Hell, deep down, we all still love it. Call it a love hate relationship. Nevertheless, between all those devils, beasts and monsters. There are angels about in this hell, these angels comes in the shape of friends, close friends, those that care about. Though some have already left this hell hole, they will be remembered, the corridors we walked through together all the time and all the shit and crap we babble about walking through them. Ah great bittersweet memories. Nothing can beat this hell, this place is perhaps, almost like a  heaven in the shape of hell.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Carpe Diem

Every day's a good day if you want it to be.

 Carpe diem, quam minimum credula postero

Seize the day, counting as little as possible on the future.

I stumbled upon this while watching Phineas and Ferb. We should always make the best of the day, start off every day with a smile and memento mori


Thursday, June 9, 2011

NIE Project Draft

Being yourself is one of the greatest joys in the world. Don’t shun away!

“I know there is strength in the differences between us. I know there is comfort where we overlap.” - Ani Difranco quotes

More often then not, we shun away from the public, to hide our own flaws or even our own passionate love for a hobby. This happens both in the public adult world and in school. We may have different personalities, but at the end of the day the blood that we shed are always red in color. We should always embrace our differences and never shun away, because it is what makes you, you!

The first difference I would like to talk about would be for the LGBT group, LGBT means Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals. Who are we to tell others who to love and who to be, regardless of their gender. Who are we to tell people who are they supposed to be? I do not believe it is wrong for two males to get together or a person changing his or her sex if he or she feels that it is the best way to go on living. Not many would dare to let others know that they are homosexuals, bisexuals or transsexuals; it seems a bit easier in adult life especially if you become successful in a field; for example Dana International a transsexual who is a successful music artist. In school, such claims to be any of the four groups would grant you tickets to be bullied and ostracized. But we should all take into consideration that the LGBT does not harm anyone at all, they build their love life around the same type of people and there have never been any cases where any of the LGBT encouraged straight people to become like them. It may not be a social norm, but that does not render the LGBT wrong.

Next I would like to talk about stereotyping and genders. The social stereotype is that men have to be in love with sports, and women have to  play with Barbie dolls. A person is not born with a gender that forces him or her to act in a certain way. A man should feel proud of himself even if he does not obsess over shiny Ferrari cars and a woman should be proud of herself even if she dresses like a man. I have seen feminine guys in school be made fun of, even bullied and ostracized. Perhaps it is out of our social norm that they act that way, but if you would try being in their shoes, their feminine personality was part of their social norm.

Discrimination of any kind is not good. In school especially, many form of discrimination takes place. Skin colors should not matter, we are all humans and we should all treat each other with respect and equality. It doesn’t matter that everyone believes in a different god, and some of us don’t even believe in the existence of god. We are all entitled to our opinions, and if someone choose to believe in a different god then so be it. Our religions should not hold us back in being equals. To love, respect and tolerate each other is to be united. There is a proverb from an unknown source that says; “The broad-minded see the truth in different religions; the narrow-minded see only the differences”

You should just be yourselves, in school or out in the adult world because it is part of who you are. To hide that part of you undermines the meaning of life. What is life without true happiness in what you do? Do not worry that you are different in terms of ideology, skin colors, religion or sexual orientations, we are all the same deep inside and part of what makes us humans is that we are different. It doesn’t matter if you get treated differently by others or even ostracized because at the end of the day you will find real happiness, acceptance, support and friends. Do not lead a life of lies!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Deep Blue Sky

When you're feeling sad, just look up to the deep blue sky, look at how beautiful and calm it is, hopefully it will put a smile upon your face as it does for me nowadays. There's sometimes that you'll inevitably feel lonely, like nobody besides your family will ever give a crap about you. All those hundreds or thousand of friends on Facebook or even your phone contact list just cease to matter. And if you have not been through such feelings before, well lucky you. The others, like me, not so lucky. But hey, life's short, and you only live once, why get moody and depressed? It may seem like there's NOBODY when you need em, but they are really there for ya, your closest friends and family members. It's good to make sure that you're not alone because you're wearing a mask and trying to push everyone away. Because that just might happen to you. Unconsciously you could had done it. Remember when they say if you close a door, the way out is blocked, you won't be hurt by others anymore, but so will the way in be blocked by the closed door.

Listen to some inspirational music, they'll do your soul good. Be a bit more in touch with your sensitive side, you don't want your heart to harden into a piece of rock, take it from me. Whenever you feel like giving up, just sing a song, any song. Bon Jovi's Living On A Prayer, Kansas' Carry On My Wayward Son, or perhaps Joey McIntyre's Stay The Same would do the trick for you? Regardless of the song choice, c'mon go give it a try. Life's not all bad, if it gives you lemons, well then take the chance to make lemonades. If it gives you fishes, cook em for dinner. Live your life, don't waste it! You only live ONCE!!

I know, sometimes it's hard to be optimistic and cheerful, your hope just get shattered all the time, and sometimes it gets to the point where you just break, can't take anymore and then you take on a change, you become more hostile to some, you become rude and jerkish towards others and perhaps even your closest friends. That's when they should come and help, and even if their presence can't be felt, just keep them in your thoughts. Even when you feel like you're going to fall, continue climbing up that high mountain, you'll reach the top one day. Stealing an analogy from a friend's blog post I just read; you might trip on a rock, perhaps you had not been attentive to your footing as you climb, but the journey doesn't end when you fall. There's still the robe, grab onto it and as long as you don't give up, you can still go forward, no matter how slow you go, as long as you keep on moving forward. Even if you hit the bottom, you could still start over again. Perhaps it'll be for the better too that you lose yourself. Like the song Find Yourself by Brad Presley goes. Perhaps moments like those are the moments that you truly find yourself. So fear not even if you can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, just carry on the sweet road of life, no matter the weather.

Here's to those  left behind, those that felt hated by the world and outcasted, the forgotten and sidelined, the lonely and those with shattered hopes and dreams. Never give up even at your last breath.

Finding Nemo's Dorry sang; Just keep swimming, just keep swimming swimming swimming.