Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Easy, Hard, Easy, Hard

Some have it easy. Some have it hard. Some are born with a golden key in life, fancy sport cars at the age of 18, premier college and univerisity, having a maid and lots of cash.Others, not so lucky. Though sometimes, those with an iPhone, an expensive laptop and a good car as his or her first car, couldn't even donate RM 10 to the homeless and those in need. Why has the world turn so materialistic and inhumane? When and how? Was it like this too in the old old days where cars didn't exist? Can't there be a bit more trust and love going around? Hatred and selfishness are the last thing we'll ever need.

There's people on Facebook that just need to write a two word sentence as a status and they get 20 comments instantly from different people and 10 likes. Some could write a pretty sensible status that's related to them and get zero attention. Some people get sidelined, some get all the lime light. Some outcasted and never given chances, some no matter how much of a douche they are, they still get that little bit of attention from everyone. Some receives support, some probably don't. Some have 200 over friends on Facebook and more than 200 followers on Twitter, but when he or she needs the moral support, none turns up. Some just post a sad emoticon and people rush to the rescue. Fake or real, I have no idea.

Never do upon others what you do not want to be done upon you yourselves. Try not to outcast people or to sideline them. It's an hurtful thing to bear for those who know how it feels. Some have it easy, they don't know how loneliness feel like. Some have it hard, they know fully well how painful it could be. Some have it hard, they know how it feels to sense that they don't belong where they are while others are having easy, never even needing to doubt the place that that stand on. The person you know who smiles the most isn't necessarily the happiest person you know. Everyone goes through their own problems.

Try and try to break barriers and climb, you find gems along the way, very true. Though some have it pretty easy. They just need to sit down and people are going to bring them up instead. I guess it's true that they say there's no free lunch in this world, and in this world, nothing will ever truly be fair play.

Well, numbers in the end, doesn't really matter. You could have thousands, but if none ever come back to you, what would be the point? Cherish the few number that will come back. Those are the ones that truly matters. It's the little things that matters.

For all those who knows of the pain that are spoken of, all there is to say is to not lose to the world.

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