Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pasar Malam

Ah how nostalgic

It had been ages literally that I'd been to a Pasar Malam. Today was the first time I went to a pasar malam again. Albeit that they have a lack of products that I fancy to sell and all...then again, it was still fun window shopping. How nostalgic indeed, the kids leaning over the table to look at the toys, having a dilemma on whether which flavor of candy to pick and which type of candy. Sure reminds me of me back in those days. Once I see a toy store I'll be stuck there like glue. Pasar Malams are, still the same as I'd remembered, well...whatever that reminds of my memory of pasar malams anyways. Many people, lights every where, noisy, food, rain, stalls and many other things. Definitely don't remember couples dating in pasar malams though.

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