Saturday, October 23, 2010

Futsal Again!!

I went to station 1 cafe this morning, god I love their menu...'s design!! The food isn't bad, but I actually focused more on looking at the design of the menu instead of the food. I was like "oh shit!!" when the waitress came to get our orders. Got some batteries for my camera for tomorrow. Karaoke and steamboat tomorrow. It's Yan Lin's birthday. Ah, and did you know? Karaoke is pronounced Car-A-O-K by japanese people and Care-re-o-ke by westerners. So they are both correct I guess. I do have to admit I like saying the latter more though. =/

Damn, couldn't get a goal this time. XD Had a fun night with the usual cast, Iceman, Phang, Calvin Tan, Sia, Daokei and many others, ah! And a new face today is Safar! :D We all had fun now didn't we? Anyways, after futsal, we went to gunung rapat for dinner. Phang went to Bercham's McDonald's lol. Owned!! Anyways, gotta run an errand for Miss Siti before Monday comes. Considering that I won't have time tomorrow, I better do it now.

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