Monday, September 20, 2010


First you turn a prom night into an evening prom, now you are telling me it's not a social party to celebrate what the Uppersixes have gone through and a farewell for them in a way? That all the ladies will have to wear long sleeves and skirts must be around the knee(okay, this part is rational), but the rest? WTF? Stress and seriousness is good, but 24/7 of stress and seriousness for the whole year will do you more harm than good.

Dude, I am seriously pissed about this. I mean, c'mon, it's meant to be fun isn't it? For EVERYONE to enjoy themselves, won't matter if the teachers joins or not, as long as everyone who participate will have fun, but how the hell are you gonna expect a "not a social party evening prom that you must absolutely leave school and go back home once it's over at night fall" to be fun and enjoyable for any one of the parties involved?! Talk about disappointment, and we were ALL hyping over about this. Like how it'd be fun, like how it'd be entertaining, like how everyone's gonna be smiling. Oh now it's just gonna be filled with a serious and silent vibe. Like hell is that gonna be fun. Talk about total disappointment.

I mean, short skirts aren't allowed, fair enough. But long sleeves and a scarf on every single girl? What the hell? We know this is a school, but what the hell people? Can't you be a bit laid back and enjoy the party? The rules already said no overexposure, but not wearing long sleeves is technically not overexposure, unless you're following muslim laws. If I didn't buy any clothing for this "not a social party" I would had protested against having a party at all. I hope the food's worth the RM 15, please don't shove us with Nasi Lemak and some fried mee. Seriously, I'll stomp out of the Not A Social Party immediately

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