Thursday, October 3, 2013

My World!

One of the best things to come out of the Gundam AGE series. I think this is on the top 5 of my list for Gundam songs.

Leaning on a wall one night, seems like i've been thinking hard about myself
The destination i've chosen is here, is it alright?I no longer understand
But, I don't have the answer right now, Where things stood differently
Always facing down, I look up for a while and feel the warmth of the morning

I am me because I am here
What is the thing that I lost that I can't go on?
It is cruelly painful when I can't get the answer easily
Don't worry about that one miss shot
If I can move on, I will love it, right?
My World

Why did I let go of the things I cherished?
'it can't be all that there is', I'll get it again
Give a name, 'Dream' or 'Love' to this invisible thing
If I can call it like that, I'll feel proud a bit
Ah, but, the truth is, it's not like that

I am me because I am here
These words will get forgotten sometimes
It is cruelly painful not to get the answer easily
At most, let's face forward without slowing down
I'll find the thing I am searching for
In this World

Scattered about or thrown away
Even if all are destroyed, I thought it's alright
but, I was wrong
after experiencing sadness, I will live changed into someone kind
It is slow, but I'll learn to like the world

I am me because I am here
Being myself, I'm searching for something
Eliminating all my vulnerabilities, the heat is painful
But, just for once, not blaming myself so hard
If I can move on, I'd come to love My World

If I walk further ahead, the light is there