Yet another year, yet another chapter. The plane has lift off to it's next destination.
These two years; 2010 and 2011 had been roller-coaster rides for me. Though it consists more down than up. I screwed up, over and over again, and the bitter memories far out-weights the pleasant and sweet rare moments that I had in Form 6. Indeed it does. Out of more than 200 students in form 6 from my batch, I'm one of those who didn't mattered, and I share my condolences with everyone else who felt the same on this ridiculous journey.
Being in my class, the only way I can describe it is that it was horrible. It wasn't the teachers or the study-load, not even the pressure. But my classmates, well majority of them anyways. The times I'd spent with them, quite frankly I rather forget it all, they were simply not worth a dime. No hard feelings however, if ever one of my classmate is reading this, it's not that I don't value our temporary 'friendship' or anything, but simply because it felt too fake for me to embrace at the end of the road.
Numerous bridges were burned on this lonesome journey, so many lessons that I'd learned. I'd lost a lot, but at the same time perhaps I could argue that I also had gained something in return. At least out of this hell hole I have one, or two friends I'd made. Perhaps we will part ways too, but I'd learned. This road, sparked many things, a midst those are my actions; trying to fortify the bridges I'd abandoned foolishly, trying to take off a mask, learning the meanings of a few neglected words and learning how to appreciate. For this I'm grateful and glad that I took on this journey and managed to finish it. Sure, there's a chance that I might fail now, but at least I did my best.
If I did not went on this lonely journey and if those bridges were not burned maybe things would had turned out a lot differently, that I won't had became better friends with my closest friends. Someone once told me although little is good, I have just too little friends. Perhaps that's true, perhaps Mr.C.
Regardless of what had happened, a lot is happening now, a lot of good things I suppose.